Licence conditions for pollution studies and reduction program


Licence conditions for pollution studies and reduction programs

Licence number: 726
Title: Wollangambe Environmental Monitoring Program
Start date: 01 Aug 2016
Licence Condition
The Licensee must implement the Revised Wollangambe River Environmental Monitoring Program (5 April 2016).
The Licensee must commence implementation of the Revised Wollangambe River Environmental Monitoring program (5 April 2016) in August 2016.
The Licensee must provide interim reports in accordance with the Revised Wollangambe River Environmental Monitoring Program (5 April 2016). The reports must be: - provided every seven (7) months from the 31 August 2016; and - received by the EPA's Central West (Bathurst) office on the last day of the month each report is due e.g. the first report is to be received on 31 March 2017.
The Licensee must provide to the EPA's Central West (Bathurst) office a final report in accordance with the requirements of the Revised Wollangambe River Environmental Monitoring Program (5 April 2016) within two (2) months of the completion of the monitoring program.